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    What are searches all about?

    Searches allow your solicitor to understand some important information about the property you are buying.  There are various types of search that can be carried out, the most common being:

    Local Authority Search This reveals details of the planning history for the property and whether the local authority is aware of any breaches of planning consents. It also shows proposals for new roads, tree preservation orders, conservation areas and any other matters within the authority’s control that may affect the property.

    Drainage Search This shows details of surface and/or foul water drains and whether they run into a public or private sewer.

    Environmental Search This will tell your solicitor about local environmental matters affecting the property, for example landfill or waste disposal sites, if the property has been built on an old industrial site and whether there are any risks from contaminated land, toxic emissions, flooding or subsidence etc.

    Land Registry Search This is done to establish whether there are new mortgages registered against the property that have not previously been disclosed. If there are then your solicitor will require confirmation from the seller that these will be repaid.

    Land Charges Search This is to confirm to your mortgage lender that you are not bankrupt.

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