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    Who We Are

    DFA Law has been advising clients in Northamptonshire, and across the region, for over 180 years.  Today the firm is a blend of modern and traditional: a progressive, dynamic law firm which adheres to the old fashioned principles of professional integrity and personal service.

    DFA Law does not aspire to be a “big” firm, nor the cheapest.  Our aim is to be big enough to have the resources that we need to provide the very best standard of professional service to our clients, and to provide true value for money.  We achieve this by maintaining a local focus, and recruiting and retaining top professionals in each area of our business.

    It is a winning formula which works well for our clients and generates repeat business for us.  But don’t take our word for it; have a look at what our clients are saying. The range of services offered by the firm is wider and more diverse than ever before but our commitment to achieving the highest standards of service has not changed.

    If you choose to instruct DFA Law you can be assured that a team of top specialists will handle your work with one objective in mind: to achieve the best solution for you or your business, as quickly as possible and at a price which represents exceptional value for money.


    DFA Law was formed in Northampton in 1838 by William Dennis, a Northampton man, upon being admitted as a solicitor practising from offices in Horsemarket.

    In 1876 Mr. Dennis was joined by Dr Faulkner, who had been practising on his own in London since 1870 – the firm became Dennis & Faulkner.

    In 1906 the firm moved their offices to the Market Square in Northampton and a year later Bertram Faulkner, one of Dr. Faulkner’s sons, also joined the practice as a Partner.

    1910 saw a new Partner join the firm by the name of Charles Frederick Alsop and the firm became known as Dennis Faulkner & Alsop

    As well as being a solicitor Charles Alsop was also a magistrate and he left the firm in 1934 to continue this work, where he later became Chairman.

    In 1922 the firm branched out of Northampton, purchasing the practice of Charles Roche in Daventry which was run by George Foster until his retirement in 1966.

    1949 saw the firm move offices again, this time remaining on the Market Square but taking up occupancy at Beethoven House, 32 Market Square – where they remained until 2008.

    In 2003, common with a lot of law firms, Dennis Faulkner & Alsop changed it’s name to DFA Law and in 2007 they had new offices built on a brand new development just outside the town centre at 2 Waterside Way (off Bedford Road).

    Today, the Waterside Way development is a thriving business development with offices of local and national firms of solicitors, accountants, financial advisors and house builders.

    The traditional partnership of DFA Law become an LLP in 2008 and today’s members are proud to be the current custodians of DFA Law. The range of services offered by the firm is wider and more diverse than ever before but our commitment to achieving the highest standards of service has not changed.

    We have a team of top specialists that will handle your work with one objective in mind: to achieve the best solution for you or your business, as quickly as possible and at a price which represents exceptional value for money.

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