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    DFA Law Advises on Sale of Vendia | DFA Law Northampton Solicitors News

    PLEASE NOTE: Information in this article is correct at the time of publication, please contact DFA Law for current advice on older articles.

    DFA Law this week tied up a £10.98 million deal between two major players in the vending world, to create the fourth largest vending business in the British Isles.

    Leading national beverage and snack vending company Vendia sold their entire UK operation to Snacktime, the UK’s largest independent operator of snack and chilled drink vending machines, in a transaction completed on Tuesday (Sept 21) by DFA’s specialist lawyers. The enlarged group will have over 30,000 customers being serviced by more than 450 employees, agents and franchisees.

    Under the deal, which took several months to complete, Snacktime acquired all of Vendia’s UK operations from Cornwall to Corby, and from London to the North West. John Keeble, corporate partner at DFA Law, led a team of lawyers comprising Clare Towers (Intellectual Property), Gary Lee (Employment) and Elaine Lo (Property).

    “This was an interesting and challenging cross-border transaction, and our client was delighted with the outcome,” said John. “These deals can be complex but this one progressed very smoothly, with no last-minute dramas.”

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