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    how to sue a company

    How Can I Sue a Company?

    PLEASE NOTE: Information in this article is correct at the time of publication, please contact DFA Law for current advice on older articles.

    Customers, employees, and other businesses may feel the need to take legal action against a company for many reasons. These include breach of contract, fraud, small claims debt recovery, negligence, personal injury, property disputes, and defamation.

    What is the process of suing a company?

    The first move of anyone seeking to sue a company for any reason should be to seek legal advice. It can be hard to know which court is right for a specific claim. Navigating the process of making a claim is also challenging.

    Seek legal help

    Legal experts will be able to guide a claimant through court proceedings and the overall process of how to sue a company. This will of course incur legal costs but will also drastically increase the chance of a claim’s success. Furthermore, many disputes can end with the losing party covering all or a portion of the victor’s legal fees.

    Legal experts can provide other solutions outside of court. This option may help those who want to save time and money while resolving their dispute. Businesses usually want to avoid court proceedings if possible. This is often a better choice for everyone involved.

    Collect evidence

    The next move should be to collect evidence. For example, a discrimination claimant should find proof of them being refused service or receiving a lower quality service based on a protected characteristic. Failing that, a small claims claimant should assemble proof their service or product was delivered, any invoices sent, and any communications associated with the disputed transaction.

    Out-of-court and court proceedings

    Once these steps are complete, the legal experts can begin the process of suing, or commencing legal proceedings against, a company. As described, this will likely start with an out-of-court process, in an attempt to try and resolve the dispute.

    However, if the dispute remains unresolved, the next step is court. Different courts will hear different types of claims which all have different fees associated with them. A legal expert will be able to help navigate the court system.

    DFA Law can help consumers, employees, and other claimants with personal and business dispute resolution. This includes how to sue a company. Contact us on 01604 60 95 60 or email us at

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