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    Innes goes to India

    PLEASE NOTE: Information in this article is correct at the time of publication, please contact DFA Law for current advice on older articles.

    On Saturday  22nd October DFA Law’s Facilities Manager Innes Macaulay, his wife Dawn and daughter Kiri, fly to India to visit a number of projects set up to help some of the displaced and most disadvantaged people in India.

    The Macaulays will visit the Karuna Project in Mumbai, part of the Leprosy Mission, a mobile clinic that tends to those with Leprosy and other debilitating conditions in Mumbai that would not otherwise have access to medical assistance.

    They will also spend time at the Good News Children’s Education Mission in Kolkata, which provides education for the street children of Kolkata and ‘Freeset’, a fair trade business offering employment to women trapped in the Kolkata’s sex trade.

    The staff and partners at DFA Law have supported these projects by giving donations and buying cakes made by Kiri to raise money to provide shoes for the children at the school in Kolkata.

    We wish the Macaulay family all the best on their travels and look forward to publishing a report of the trip when they return.



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