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    Lies to Family Court Lead to Prison

    PLEASE NOTE: Information in this article is correct at the time of publication, please contact DFA Law for current advice on older articles.

    When a Lancashire man misled the court about his finances in order to reduce the financial settlement he would have to make in favour of his ex-wife, he probably imagined that the result would be rather different from what actually happened.

    Following an investigation into his affairs, it was revealed that expenses claimed as building work done on his property were falsified and that he had instead used the money thus hidden to buy a property abroad and to go on holidays.

    The result was a conviction for fraud and perjury and a prison sentence of 18 months.

     If you are in the midst of a break-up and believe that your spouse is likely to misrepresent their financial position in order to avoid a fair settlement, contact us for advice. The courts take a dim view of those who attempt to mislead by fabricated, false or exaggerated evidence.


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