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    Personal Dispute Resolution

    Our Northampton-based personal dispute resolution team deals with all kinds of private disputes and claims, and our dispute resolution solicitors have many years of experience.

    We can help with the following:

    • Bankruptcy
    • Consumer disputes
    • Small claims
    • Landlord and tenant disputes
    • Boundary, neighbour and other property disputes
    • Debt problems
    • Disputes in relation to wills and estates

    Every case is treated with the same professionalism and dedication whilst at the same time keeping a balance between the likely outcome, individual objectives and most importantly the cost of achieving those objectives.

    Advice is always given on alternative ways of resolving disputes – advice from our personal dispute resolution solicitors at an early stage may prevent a potential problem presenting later on in a more acute and costly form.  If the issue cannot be resolved in the first instance then our knowledgeable team can take the matter to a hearing.

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